Hello, I’m Ade, data scientist, engineer, and economist. This page contains some of my work and things that I find interesting. I specialize in the application of data analytics, artificial intelligence, and data engineering to enhance value creation and solve decision problems. It's fun for me to work with crossfunctional teams; and I like to research new ideas and implement them.

Engineering Interests

I’m interested in every step of building data and analytics infrastructure i.e

  1. Data engineering (integration, visualization, & services)
  2. Productizing machine learning models
  3. Modeling techniques

Other Interests

I consider myself a student of history, markets, and technology. In my fee time, I enjoy playing tennis (let's play!) and watching my favorite sport teams. My bookshelf contains a list of books that I found to be insightful and that I regularly revisit. I'm always happy to discuss my current read.